Adolescent Therapy



Adolescent counseling is a form of therapy that helps adolescents deal with tough emotions and situations, mental health conditions, trauma, or concerns related to future, present, or past experiences. Adolescent counseling is designed to address and treat the specific needs of clients who are navigating an important and difficult developmental phase.

 The teenage years can be an exciting time, characterized by newfound exploration, character building, healthy risk-taking, and developing critical-thinking skills. However, it’s also a time when adolescents face an increased risk of experiencing depression, anxiety, and other mental health struggles, alongside a variety of difficult life transitions as they journey through middle and high school. 

Adolescent counseling can offer support to these young individuals and help them to understand themselves better, while learning how to express their emotions, make healthy decisions, and accomplish their goals.



Drawing, building, and pretending, as well as talking, are important ways of sharing feelings and resolving problems.

Therapy sessions may involve an individual child, a group of children, a family, or multiple families. In children and adolescents, playing,

At Pathways Therapy Center we design our therapeutic approach based on the interventions that are best suited to our clients needs. Some of the types of therapy we regularly use with adolescents are:

Individual therapy

Family therapy

CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy

Sand tray therapy

Trauma therapy

DBT - dialectical behavioral therapy


Experiential therapy (art, music, play therapy, etc.)