Work and Career Issues



Many of us spend more of our waking hours at work than at home, therefore the workplace should be an environment where we feel safe and comfortable. However, because workplace environments are full of different personalities, communication styles, and worldviews, things don’t always go smoothly. Whether slights are perceived or tangible, interpersonal and task based struggles can cause high levels of stress and dissatisfaction.

Examples of common workplace issues include: 

Work and Career Issues

  • Poor job fit
  • Personality clashes
  • Unhealthy social dynamics
  • Sexual or verbal harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Low motivation and job dissatisfaction 

How a Therapist Can Help

Therapy for work and career issues focuses on increasing the clients understanding of their talents, interests and values in order to insure current career path is a good fit or discover suitable alternatives. Assertive communication skills are  taught when necessary to help clients express their needs, thoughts and ideas effectively. Therapists work with the client to develop coping skills that provide clients with tools to better handle tension while on the clock.  Therapy is a neutral setting where patients can discuss their fears, worries, or stressors, and gain perspective.
